How to install IronPython2 with Mono on Ubuntu
This is just an instructional post with the hope that it might help others in the future. I spent a long time trying to get IronPython2 running on Mono. Now IronPython1 ships with Ubuntu, so apt-get install ironpython , if that's all that you want. Ironically, I don't really know the difference between IronPython1 and IronPython2, but "2 has got to be better than 1", right? The good news is that its very possible, but you will have to step out of your comfort zones. You will need: Mono 2.4 (sources) and IronPython 2.0.1 (binary) First build Mono (note that you need Ubuntu's Mono to bootstrap, so apt-get install mono ) but make sure you put it somewhere special so it doesn't mess with the system-installed Mono. This advice is taken from an article on the Mono wiki . $ tar xvjf mono-2.4.tar.bz2 $ cd mono $ mkdir -p ~/opt/mono $ ./configure --prefix=~/opt/mono $ make && make install So this is putting Mono in opt/mono in my home directory (which is wher...